On December 18, 2018, the resolution granting the call for Retos-Colaboración (Challenges-Collaboration) grants by the Spanish Ministry of Science was published, in which JALVASUB Engineering has been selected to carry out the project “Efficient System for the Generation of Clean Energy HYCOGEN”.

The purpose of this call is to promote experimental development projects in collaboration between companies and public or private research organizations, in order to generate a critical mass in interdisciplinary R & D & I, promote the development of new technologies, the application new ideas and techniques, and contribute to the creation of new products and services to solve the present and future problems and needs of our society.

In total, 345 projects have been awarded, with a financing close to 249 million euros, which will be partly co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund.

Funded by: FEDER / Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency / _Project Reference: RTC-2017-6730-3